
Showing posts from December, 2020

SOAP Services

Payables Soap Services External InvoiceInterfaceService  submitInvoiceImport submitInvoiceImportWithSource   createB2BInvoice createInvoiceInterface   createInvoiceInterfaceWithAttachments   updateInvoiceInterface getSupplierRejections getInvoiceInterface findInvoiceInterface InvoiceService https://servername/fscmService/InvoiceService?WSDL cancelInvoice createURLAttachment insertSingleHold releaseSingleHold getInvoiceInstallments updateInvoiceInstallments getInvoiceStatus findInvoiceStatus SetupService  https://servername/fscmService/{servicename}?WSDL Internal  InvoiceInterfacePrivateService InvoiceApprovalBCService Services Name xml type starting api crux erpintegrations  


IDR recognizes currency from image file in following order   Defaulting of currency from PO has the highest precedence Recognize the currency symbol (e..g €) available on the Image If currency symbol is not available then look for currency code (e.g. EUR) If no currency symbol/code found on the image then use the currency from supplier address (country) If IDR did not predict any currency, then currency setup at supplier site   would be used. If IDR did not predict any currency, and currency not setup at supplier site level, then it would use the currency setup at business unit level. Duplicate invoices:  Routing attribute 5 corresponds to Doc ID.  Doc id is unique ID for invoice in a attachment. APXIDRINT  Maintain Intelligent Document Recognition Service for Payables Hybridization Cimification Import process Schedule with IMAGE source will submit Supplier push job after migration date Case 1: Source = IMAGE && No IDR setup data && Migration